Thursday, October 2, 2008

A brief intro...

So as my first entry, I am going to give a little background on the who’s, the what’s, the where’s, the when’s, and the why’s. I think I can now call my self in my mid-twenties, which is a scary thought in and of itself. I’ve been encouraged to buy under eye cream. I’m a resident of the District of Columbia, but Texas is home and is where I know I will find myself in the long run. (main reasons: margaritas and Mexican food) I live on the cusp between U Street and Columbia Heights, but I claim the U Street neighborhood. (mainly b/c it’s easier to walk down the hill to the U street metro stop) But, the benefit of living at the top of one of the steepest and highest hills in Washington, might you ask? The view. It will make you pop right out of bed in the morning when from the window next to your bed you can see the Capital, Washington Monument, The Smithsonian Castle, and even the Air Force Memorial in Arlington. It’s pretty spectacular to say the least. A good bloody mary or mimosa gets me right out of bed as well. I pretty much stick to this neighborhood, but that’s mainly because it’s a liberal/artsy hub—and I don’t have to worry about running into any republican “friends” (please note the quotes—I really don’t consider anyone a republican my friend) So yup, that’s a brief intro.

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