Friday, March 6, 2009


Participatory Art? Co-Art?

The concept of co-working was completely foreign to me until last April, when my boyfriend got the crazy idea into his head to found a co-working space in Houston. Fastforward a few months later, and he is now the proud co-founder, co-director of Caroline Collective (, the world’s largest co-working space. Soon, we will be coming upon the 1 year anniversary. And in true Caroline style, a Texas sized party will be required.

This has had me thinking over the past few weeks, why not do a co-working collaborative co-art for the event? Rather than go for the standard art show to be hung at the event, let’s be true to the mission of Caroline, and make it a community effort. Although these ideas are in their infancy, I know mirrors, text, picture frames and possibly chalk will be involved. Stay tuned as I work this idea out, and more importantly, convince my boyfriend to let me produce it for the party.

Yogi Tea, I love you

So I have a huge addiction to yogi super anti-oxidant teas. Yes, the taste is amazing. As is the packaging. But I also love the pearls of wisdom every tea bag comes with. But, buyer be ware! Whole Foods will charge you $2 more per box than other grocers, like Trader Joe’s. Here are a few of my favorite Yogi Tea proverbs:
A relaxed mind is a creative mind
Be proud of who you are
Live for each other
Bliss cannot be disturbed by gain or loss
Every smile is a direct achievement
Your heartbeat is the rhythm of your soul
Be happy so long as breath is in you
Empty yourself and let the universe fill you
Every heartbeat creates a miracle
An attitude of gratitude brings opportunity
Dignity and tranquility last forever

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Year Resolutions? Really? Really!

-Blog about the books I read
-Be fit not fat in 2009!
-Torture myself through June for the GMAT
-Work in Washington, Live in DC
-Travel as much as possible, where passports are required.
-I think these are fair goals, nothing too elaborate. Achievable. Doable. Real.