Friday, March 6, 2009

Participatory Art? Co-Art?

The concept of co-working was completely foreign to me until last April, when my boyfriend got the crazy idea into his head to found a co-working space in Houston. Fastforward a few months later, and he is now the proud co-founder, co-director of Caroline Collective (, the world’s largest co-working space. Soon, we will be coming upon the 1 year anniversary. And in true Caroline style, a Texas sized party will be required.

This has had me thinking over the past few weeks, why not do a co-working collaborative co-art for the event? Rather than go for the standard art show to be hung at the event, let’s be true to the mission of Caroline, and make it a community effort. Although these ideas are in their infancy, I know mirrors, text, picture frames and possibly chalk will be involved. Stay tuned as I work this idea out, and more importantly, convince my boyfriend to let me produce it for the party.

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